Event April 21 in Utrecht

Register now!
Paid work and help in your own language? And learn Dutch? It’s possible!

Are you a new in the Netherlands?
Don’t you speak Dutch or not very well and are you looking for a paid job?
Please come to the Voorkamer, Kanaalstraat 225, 3531 CJ Utrecht on Thursday 21 April at 13:00.

There are several organizations who will prepare you for working in the Netherlands:
With a free workshop about working in the Netherlands. Information about the great opportunities at the labor market. About the work that will suit you the best. And you will meet compatriots who are willing to share their experience with work in the Netherlands.
There are also employers present and a professional team that guides you in your own language.

We speak the languages: Arabic, Tigrinya, English and Dutch.
If you, however, speak another language? Let us know.
Would you like to get acquainted and are you a little curious about paid work?
Register now, there is only room for 50 participants.

Register now!

De Voorkamer
Kanaalstraat 225, 3531 CJ Utrecht
Do you have questions? Please contact: 06 345 352 70
or email: welcome@futurework.nl

We are looking forward to meet you on April 21.




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